​​         Chinese Stories in English   

6. Matchmaker Tricks Young Pair
7. Man Mistakes Stranger for "Two-Timer"
8. Peddler Wields Knife on Urban Control
9. Scorned Woman Loses Control on Street
10. Granny Climbs Tree, Falls to Death

News Translations Published in March 2013

Click here to see the Chinese texts for these stories

1. Man Can't Find Girlfriend, Starts Fire
Arson Suspect Arrested by Willow City Police

Core Points
      Late one night, a man is suddenly unable to determine the whereabouts of the girlfriend he is living with. Crazy with suspicions, he uses his drunkenness as an excuse to set fire to the girlfriend's room.
      The impetuous man's name is Mr. Lu. He is a resident of Willow City. On February 19th, in accordance with law, Willow City Police placed suspected arsonist Mr. Lu under criminal detention.

Correspondent Li Kaituo, Reporter Xiao Jun
      Sometime shortly before midnight on the evening of February 18th, police in the County of Willow City received a report claiming that a home was on fire, and wanting them to come quickly to help. Officers from the Big Wharf Precinct Station of the County of Willow City Public Security Bureau thereupon hastened to the scene together with firefighters who extinguished a large fire.
      A subsequent inventory found that the household windows and doors, beds, a television, a computer, clothing and 2,000 Yuan [≈$320] in cash had been destroyed in the conflagration. From appearances at the scene of the disaster, it really wasn't an accidental fire; it was arson caused by a human being. (See the report in yesterday's Evening News.)
      The police officers thereupon initiated questioning of the person who reported the fire and learned that the suspect in the suspected arson is a man named Mr. Lu. The police quickly took the initiative and arrested Mr. Lu on Big Wharf Town Avenue.
      As to why he wanted to set the fire and burn the room up, Mr. Lu recounted the sequence of events.
      The explanation has to begin in 2012. In February of that year, the 29-year-old Mr. Lu met a divorced woman, A-Li (female, age 37), in Big Wharf Town. The two quickly developed a relationship as lovers and started a life of cohabitation. Last year Mr. Lu had asked A-Li to go to Guangdong Province with him to look for work, but A-Li wouldn't go. Mr. Lu threatened her, saying he wanted her to die. He also sent her a text message saying, "Either you or me, one of us will die." Although they constantly argued, they didn't break up, but continued living together as before.
      On the evening of February 118th, Mr. Lu was drinking at an old schoolmate's home in Luo Cliffs. After drinking over two pints of rice wine, he went out for a late night snack with his girlfriend A-Li, A-Li's son A-Ning, and A-Ning's girlfriend Miss Lin. Mr. Lu also drank a few bottles of beer at the snack vendor's stand. He drank steadily until sometime after 11 o'clock when they finished eating. A-Ning and Miss Lin left. As A-Li was paying the bill she noticed Mr. Lu chatting with a server at the counter, so she left alone.
      When Mr. Lu finished chatting he looked all over for A-Li but couldn't find her. He phoned her and was surprised she didn't answer. "Could she have gone off with some other guy?" Furious, Mr. Lu ran back to their rented rooms to look for her, but found only A-Ning and Miss Lin at home.
      With the alcohol going to his head, Mr. Lu became increasingly convinced of the idea that "A-Li is off messing around with another man." In a fit of anger he carried a newly filled tank of liquefied gas out from the kitchen. He pointed the tank's hose connector at the bed where A-Li slept, opened the valve and used a cigarette lighter to ignite it. A large flame immediately spit out.
      It happened so quickly that Mr. Lu couldn't prevent his own hair from being singed in a flash. Being burned by the ferocious fire sobered him up quickly. He hurriedly got some water in a plastic basin to put the fire out, but it was already too big to be controlled. Mr. Lu thereupon ran out the door.
      A-Ning and Miss Lin, who were in another room, had heard Mr. Lu dragging the gas tank and the sound of the gas leaking out, so they ran outside and called the police.
      As the police understand it, A-Li had in fact only gone out for a walk that night. She didn't expect that Mr. Lu would go so far as to commit the act of burning the room.

Liuzhou Evening News, 2013-02-21, p. 10
2. Absurd: Treats Bus as "Simmons" Mattress
Man Lays Down Drunk in Public Bus
Police Join Driver in Unsuccessful Battle to Wake Him

Correspondent Xiu Wenqiu, Dispatch to the Evening News
      He didn't just get on the wrong vehicle after drinking too much, he treated a public bus as his own family's "Simmons" [mattress]. He wouldn't wake up no matter how much the woman bus driver yelled at him. And when the police came, even their shouts couldn't wake him up. Finally 120 [Emergency Service] joined the fray and roused the drunk, a Mr. Jiang.
      At about 7:50 p.m. on the 20th Ms. Wang, a driver on the No. 3 route, was driving near the Forestry School in Sand Dyke. A man boarded the bus through the [exit-only] rear door, swaying and staggering. Ms. Wang reminded the man to board through the front door and deposit the fare in the box, but he forced himself aboard and took a seat in the last row. There weren't many passengers on the bus at the time so Ms. Wang kept driving, but before too long, she noticed that the man who had forced his way aboard had taken off his shoes and was lying down on the seat. Ms. Wang told him repeatedly to put his shoes on, but the guy just lay there on the seat mumbling, "Don't make noise, I'm sleeping." When Ms. Wang turned her head to look, the man really had fallen asleep and was snoring.
      The bus arrived at the end of the line in the city at South Liberation Road and the entry to the Five Star Pedestrian Mall. Ms. Wang and coworkers yelled at the man but were unable to wake him up. Feeling helpless, there was nothing Ms. Wang could do but call the police for assistance.
      Upon receiving the report, officers from the May First Police Affairs Station responded rapidly to the scene. The man in question had a strong odor of alcohol on his breath. The officers also tried shouting to wake him up, but the drunk slept right through it. The officers suspected he might be in danger from alcohol poisoning, so they called 120 to come and help. At last, after a heroic effort by the doctors the drunk finally woke up, but he couldn't remember where he had come from or where he was going.
      The officers held the man up as they escorted him back to the station. They sat him down on a sofa and made him some tea to help him sober up. During questioning, they learned that the man, a Mr. Jiang, 41, is from Rong'an County and came to Liuzhou looking for work. That evening he'd drunk a lot of hard liquor at a party with friends. He wanted to catch a bus back to Rong'an but got lost because he'd drunk too much, and in his confusion he'd boarded the No. 3 bus. Afterwards the officers escorted him home.
      Recently a number of people in the city have called 110 or 120 for emergency assistance because of drunkenness. The police are reminding people to limit their drinking to appropriate amounts. To avoid bodily injury and blunders, and making a fool of yourself, don't drink to excess.

Liuzhou Evening News, 2013-02-22, p. 8
3. Rift Appears in "Extramarital Affair"
Woman Angered to Point of Jumping in River
Police Rush to Rescue Her

Reporter Li Jie, Correspondent Hu Haiguan, Min Yuanzhen, Dispatch to the Evening News
      Working together in a strange place, a lonely A-Ying and A-Bin are attracted to each other and have "love outside marriage." During the Spring Festival this year, they had agreed to celebrate the holiday together in Liuzhou. They didn't expect that this already illicit love would turn out as a "Number Four" [name of a popular soup opera], or that an angry A-Ying, in a snit, would rush down toward the Liu River. Just after midnight on the 19th, officers at the Double Horse Police Affairs Station heard what was happening and rushed to the levee at Riverside Park. They rescued A-Ying, who had fallen into the water.
      Back at the station, A-Ying was soaking wet and shivering from the cold. The officers got out a heater so she could get warm. She then sobbed and whimpered as she told the officers her story, from beginning to end. A-Ying, 42, is from Rongshui [about 75 miles north of Liuzhou], and A-Bin, 43, is from Rong'an [about 15 miles further north]. They each have a family in their home towns and they both started work about a year ago at a restaurant on Liushi Road [in Liuzhou]. In time they came to have feelings for each other and it developed into "love outside marriage." This year, the two agreed that they would not return to their homes for the Spring Festival [Chinese New Year], but would stay in Liuzhou and spend a romantic holiday together. The two were glued at the hip for the first few days, spending every day together. A-Ying was full of expectations for Valentine's Day, February 14th, but all of a sudden A-Bin couldn't be found. She phoned him over and over but he didn't answer.
      A-Ying thought that she must have done something wrong. On the evening of the 18th, having tried to drown her sorrows in quite a bit of alcohol, she went to the place where A-Bin was living and was shocked to see him drinking, talking and laughing with a woman about 30 years old. "In spite of everything, you've turned your back on me and taken up with another woman!" Jealously welled up in her, and she came up and slapped A-Bin twice, then rushed out the door.
      A-Bin followed after her to explain, but A-Ying wouldn't listen to him. She went directly to the levee at Riverside Park. In her drunkenness, she planned to jump into the river.
      "Don't be this way. She's just a relative. She wanted me to spend some time with her over the holiday."
      "You lie to me again, I'll jump in the river!" As she said this, A-Ying walked step-by-step down the levee. A-Bin reached out to grab her, and people walking by the area helped by calling the police. Officers from the Double Horse Police Affairs Station came over right away and rescued A-Ying.
      "No matter how depressed you get, you shouldn't treat your life so lightly. More than that, your relationship is a mistake in itself." Through the criticism and education of the officers, A-Ying and A-Bin each came to see the error of their ways. They thanked the officers and left together.

Liuzhou Evening News, 2013-02-22, p. 8
4. Why Men Like to Fondle Breasts

      Well-endowed women draw stares from men without the slightest effort. Men are left with their tongues hanging out, unable to look away. When a man is feeling voyeuristic, breasts are what he most wants to see, especially women wearing clothes with a deep décolletage. But have women ever thought about why men like to fondle their breasts? We'll explain it from the following aspects.
Why Men Like to Fondle Women's Breasts: Visual Stimulation
      Males are lustful creatures, and ample breasts are women's secondary sexual characteristic. They show the perfection of feminine curves to best advantage. Uplifted breasts give a man a strong visual shock and a sense of beauty, as well as a strong desire for sex. And no man can resist them.
Why Men Like to Fondle Women's Breasts: Tactile Agreeability
      Regarding the sense of touch, ample breasts on a well-endowed chest feel extremely lustrous. It's said that the places on a man's body most deficient in moisture are the hands, while the places on a woman's body with the most moisture are the breasts. The malleability and lusciousness of huge breasts make a man drunk with desire.
Why Men Like to Fondle Women's Breasts: Men Like Round Things
      Some people say that men have a special craving for round things like basketballs and soccer balls, and women's chests are like that as well. Men most like to see women running with their breasts bouncing rhythmically. It gives them a sense of dynamic beauty and limitless daydreams. This makes them unable to resist reaching out to fondle them.
Why Men Like to Fondle Women's Breasts: Physical Compatibility
      Research by biologists indicates that men's and women's bodies are by nature mutually compatible. The circular shape formed by a man's hands when stretched out is an extremely good fit with a woman's protruding breasts. The most adaptable parts of a man's body are the hands, while the softest and most resilient parts of a woman's body are the breasts.

Living in Liuzhou – Discerning the World
A Special Supplement of the Liuzhou Evening News
A Magazine of Affluence Made to Order for Successful Persons in Liuzhou
December 8, 2012, Vol. 2 No. 2, p. 66
5. 15-Year-Old Liuzhou Girl Elopes with Net Buddy
Living Conditions Rough, Prevented from Returning Home

      Fifteen-year-old A-Jing was just experiencing the first awakenings of love. After an online romance with an internet friend, the socially inexperienced girl left home without telling anyone and went out into the world. Before she knew it she was wandering destitute in a poverty-stricken rural area. After struggling for half a month, she was back home in her parents arms.
      A-Jing ran away in the latter part of last month. Her parents suspected she had been tricked or abducted, and called the police. The police looked all over but could not locate her.
      A-Jing's father, Mr. Huang, got a phone call from his daughter early this month. She just said "Papa" a couple of times and then hung up the phone. Mr. Huang and others tried to return the call but the phone had been turned off. The family was then even more concerned about A-Jing's plight.
      The police initiated an investigation using the phone number that the call had been made from. They discovered that the number was listed to one A-Jie, 19, at a remote village in Sunny Township of Heavenly Peak County. Further investigation revealed that on the day A-Jing went missing (February 19th) A-Jie had been staying at a roadhouse in Liuzhou. Based on the evidence they had collected, the police tentatively concluded that A-Jie had something to do with A-Jing's disappearance.
      "No matter what, we want to get to the bottom of A-Jing's disappearance, to protect the rights of this female minor!" Chief Wei Hai of the Willow River Public Security Bureau issued a supplementary position regarding the case when he learned of the situation. He directed 3 of the elite officers from the Punishments Section to drive A'Jing's father to Heavenly Mountain County as quickly as possible.
      Assisted by the local police there, the officers found A-Jing at A-Jie's home. She explained that the two of them had met online. She was ensnared by love and had no interest in her schoolwork. She fooled her family and ran away with A-Jie, who was working temporary jobs in Liuzhou, to his home village.
      The unsophisticated A-Jing at first thought she would marry A-Jie, but then she discovered that life is exceptionally arduous in his village. She tried several times to escape and come home but was stopped by A-Jie.
      For now, the police have intervened and are looking at the matter closely. It will require further investigation to determine whether A-Jie's actions constitute a crime.

Liuzhou Online, 2013-3-12
6. Matchmaker from Heaven, Young Pair Tricked
Enthusiastic Matchmaker Actually a Con Artist

Reporter Lu Bin, Correspondent Guo Hao, Dispatch to the Evening News

      At about 3:00 p.m. on February 26, two men were scuffling with a young woman near a bank on Peaceful China Road. The woman wanted to leave but the men kept yammering at her. After the police were called, it was discovered that both parties were victims. It was a match-maker who had caused them to be cheated out of 3,000 Yuan [≈$484].
      The story started before the Spring Festival. The lead female role is Miss Li, a local girl. She just got divorced last year and is raising a child who is a little over a year old. She's thinking about finding another partner. In January she got a phone call from a stranger offering to act as a matchmaker and help arrange a blind date.
      One of the two men was Mr. Wei, with whom Miss Li had later gone out on a blind date. Mr. Wei, who is a little over 30, is not from Liuzhou but has lived here many years working odd jobs. He had also received a phone call from the stranger offering to introduce a woman for him to meet.
      The two met and exchanged their contact information, but later Miss Li decided their ages are incompatible, so she didn't get touch with him. But then the matchmaker told Miss Li to ask him for a 3,000 Yuan matchmaking fee. Without thinking, she went ahead and asked him. Mr. Wei, who thought Miss Li wasn't bad, took this as an opportunity to "develop" things and extravagantly gave the money to the matchmaker. The matchmaker gave 800 Yuan of the total to Miss Li.
      Later Mr. Wei, who had tried to contact Miss Li unsuccessfully on several occasions, decided that he had been conned by her and the matchmaker. On the afternoon in question, while he was still stewing about it, he and a friend had met Miss Li on the street by accident. That's when the scuffle mentioned at the start of this story occurred.
      The man felt he'd been cheated, and the woman felt wrongly accused. Only after calling the police and talking it over did they discover that neither of them knows the matchmaker. They had only exchanged information over the phone and don't even know the person's name. The officers asked them each to make an appointment to meet with the matchmaker. They took turns dialing the number but the phone was turned off.
      The police are continuing to investigate the matter.

Liuzhou Evening News, 2013-03-01, p. 06
7. Absurd Mistake, Takes Stranger for "Two-Timer"
One Man Attacked by Another
Mistakes Identity and Gets ¥500 Fine

Reporter Li Jietong, Correspondent Wang Fei, Dispatch to the Evening News
      "Help, police!" On the morning of the 20th local resident A-Wei came rushing up to the Sunlight Police Station seeking help. Officers went outside to look and saw a middle-aged man holding a rusty piece of rebar come rushing up. What kind of vendetta do these two have going on? The officers investigated and learned that the attacker had mistaken the man's identity.
      Seeing that the middle-aged man was in a rage, the officers got him under control and seized the dangerous weapon. Then they took the two into the station to get the story. "I don't even know him and he hit me with that metal rod!" A-Wei was disconsolate as he told the police what had happened. At 8:00 that morning he had come out the north door of the South City Department Store on Flowery Morning Road and into the parking lot. As he went to get in his car, someone behind him ruthlessly swung a metal rod at the side of his thigh. He turned his head to look and saw that he didn't even know the guy, but the guy was coming after him with a piece of rebar. Luckily A-Wei is quick-witted and knew the Sunlight Police Station was nearby, so he immediately ran there.
      "What do you mean, you don't know me? You do my wife and you think I'd forget?" The attacker's name is A-Cai. He said that when he left home he saw the "swinger" who had made him a "cuckold", so of course he wanted to teach the guy what's what.
      A-Wei came back with an angry retort. "You're nuts! When did I do your wife?" Only then did A-Cai take a good look at A-Wei and realize that he did in fact have the wrong man.
      "I'm sorry, bro, it was all a mistake. You look a lot like the guy!" It turned out that A-Cai had only seen A-Wei from the side and the back. Only when he subconsciously thought he had run into the "swinger" did he pick up the rebar and go after him.
      The officers proceeded to severely criticize and educate A-Cai for the assault. After mediation, A-Cai compensated A-Wei with 500 Yuan (≈$80) as an apology and to make amends.

Liuzhou Evening News, 2013-02-22, p. 8
8. Peddler Wields Knife to Get Even with Urban Control
Sentenced to 1 Year 7 Months, ¥20,000 Damages

Correspondent Wang Bin, Reporter Li Lan, Dispatch to the Evening News
      Unhappy at having been fined by Urban Control Officer Sun, peddler Mr. Tan wielded a knife to get revenge. Today the Fish Peak District People's Court issued a decision of first instance sentencing Mr. Tan to a determinant prison sentence of one year seven months for the crime of intentional aggravated battery. He was also ordered to compensate Officer Sun for financial losses of 21,229.09 Yuan [≈$3,424.05].
      In March 2012, on Reed Mountain Road, Mr. Tan was occupying a space on the road to engage in the business of selling fruit without a license. Therefore Mr. Sun, a worker with the Fish Peak District Department of Administrative Law Enforcement, temporarily confiscated the implements he was using to commit the infraction.
      Mr. Tan harbored a grudge against law enforcement personnel for how the matter was handled. He waited for an opportunity to get revenge on Officer Sun.
      On the morning of August 30, 2012, Officer Sun and fellow officers came to Reed Mountain Road to launch an aggressive city inspection. When the officer wasn't looking, Mr. Tan took the opportunity to stab him in the back 3 times with a paring knife. Officer Sun fell at once into a pool of blood. Mr. Tan was arrested by Urban Control and Public Security Patrol officers as he was fleeing the scene.
      Thereafter Officer Sun was taken to the hospital in an ambulance for emergency treatment. After being injured he had gone into shock from loss of blood. He was diagnosed with lacerations from a knife wound to the right lateral muscles on the side of the abdomen; lacerations from a knife wound to the lower back in the area of the left erector spinae, with severing of 4 left side processus transversus; lacerations from a knife wound to the fleshy part of the right front forearm; heavy blood loss; fracture of the L4 left side processus transversus and lacerations in the musculature on the left side of the lower back and the erector spine muscle group with left posterior pituitary gland hematoma.
      After hearing the case, the court believed that defendant Mr. Tan had picked up the knife with the intention of doing bodily harm to another person, resulting in minor injuries to one person. His actions constituted the crime of intentional aggravated battery and the accusations of the charging office were established. Given that Mr. Tan voluntarily admitted guilt, he was given a light sentence in accordance with law. But his actions caused economic loss to Officer Sun, so he should bear civil responsibility as authorized by law. The court accordingly issued the aforementioned decision.

Liuzhou Evening News, 2013-02-21, p. 10
9. Scorned Woman Loses Control on Street
Boyfriend of 5 Years Broke Up with Her
Married Another Not Long After

Reporter Li Jietong, Correspondent Hu Haiguan, Dispatch to the Evening News
      Yesterday the Double Horse Police Station received an alert: A neatly dressed, delicate woman in her 20s had snatched someone's breakfast, then starting singing loudly inside a store. What was going on?
      At about 9 a.m. yesterday, as an officer was patrolling in the vicinity of the New World Mercantile Center, a business owner told him he had seen a strange woman. "She entered my shop just now, and snatched my breakfast and ate it. Then she turned into another shop, and she's in there now, singing. Please help us take care of this."
      The officer hurried to the store and saw a shapely, delicate-looking, 20-something female fondling the clothing on the store rack and singing "Do you really love me…." She seemed distracted and, when she saw the officer, she turned a blind eye to him. When the officer approached her with good intentions and asked her to stop, she stared at him for a moment, then opened up her arms to give him a hug. The officer avoided her but she didn't get angry. "Hey, handsome," she tittered, "I'd like to sing another song, then I'll go." She sang a song then went outside, where she saw a pushcart and bounced over to it. She was singing and dancing, lacking all self-control.
      The officer spoke with her patiently and learned the following. The female is called A-Shu and is 28 years old. Over six months ago the man she'd been seeing for five years broke up with her and immediately married another woman. The emotional pain made her so bitter it was hard to control herself. The 14th was Valentine's Day and she'd spent the evening walking around alone. She'd seen pairs of happy lovers all over the place, but she only had her lonely self. She decided to sing to anesthetize herself, and before she knew it she'd been singing the whole night.
      "It's not safe for you to be alone on the street like this. You'd better hurry on home." "I'll sing one last song, then go home." While the officer waited patiently with her, A-Shu finished the song and her mood gradually became peaceful. She thanked the officer and got on a bus for home.

Liuzhou Evening News, 2013-02-16, p. 5
10. Granny in 70s Climbs Tree to Trim Branches
Accidently Falls to Ground and Dies at Scene

Reporter Zheng Kai, Dispatch to the Evening News
      Yesterday afternoon in front of her condo at 136 Honor the Army Road, Alley 3, Madam Lee, 70+, decided that the big tree in front of her home was growing too luxuriant, so she climbed it to trim the branches. In a moment of carelessness, she accidently fell to the ground from a fork in the branches about five or six meters high. She died at the scene.
      Yesterday morning just after 11, your reporter hurried to the scene and saw that the tree in front of Madam Lee's home was seven or eight meters tall with many branches and leaves. It could provide a large shady area for the residents. A medic told your reporter that Madam Lee had no pulse or heartbeat when they arrived at the scene. A physical examination found no obvious external injuries, however.
      A neighbor, Ms. Li, said that Madam Lee thought the tree was too bushy. She wanted to trim it back, so she got a bamboo ladder and climbed to a fork in the branches about five or six meters up. She became careless while trimming the branch and accidently fell out of the tree to the ground. She [Ms. Li?] got scared and immediately called the police, but regrettably Madam Lee had already passed away when the medics arrived.
                  (Miss Huang was awarded 30 Yuan [≈$4.84] for contributing material to this report)

Evening News Liuzhou, 2013-03-16, p. 32

To get Chinese text by return email, send name of story to jimmahler1@yahoo.com

1. Man Can't Find Girlfriend, Starts Fire
2. Man Lays Down Drunk in Public Bus
3. Rift Appears in "Extramarital Affair"
4. Why Men Like to Fondle Breasts
5. 15-Year-Old Girl Elopes with Net Buddy