​​         Chinese Stories in English   

1. Drowned Boy's Body Pulled from Water
2. Rustler and Murderer Sentenced to Death
3. Playing Tricks in Divorce Dispute
4. Wife Runs Off, Man Loses Job
5. Police Use "Eye in Sky" to Find Lost Child

6. Husband is a Gambler, Wife Is a Jumper
7. Adopted Chinese Girl Looks for Relatives
8. "Mike Hog" Starts Fight at Party
9. Couple Outwits Purse Snatcher
10. Claiming "Hot Goods" to Sell Fakes

News Translations Published in June 2013

Click here to see the Chinese text for these stories

1. Good-Hearted People, Where Are You?
Moving Story of Drowned Boy Pulled from Water
Hidden Safety Risks of Gold Sand Point Again Raise Concerns

Reporters Chen Yi, Li Lan / Writer Deng Hua
      On the afternoon of June 2nd, many of the people enjoying an outing at Gold Sands Point witnessed a tragedy: Young Lin, a mere 10 years old, unfortunately drowned on this Children's Day holiday. The drowning was only discovered by members of the public the next afternoon. Swimmers worked together to pull the child up, and a girl on shore was the first to reach out to pull him in. The incident happened quickly and some of those who rendered assistance that day left the scene right away, but their images remain in the Evening News photographer's lens. Reporters have been looking for them since receiving a few clues from the Marine Police Precinct that responded to the alarm that day.

Police Explain How Tragedy Began and Ended

      "This tragedy again demonstrates the huge concealed safety dangers that exist at Gold Sand Point." Yesterday morning, Instructor Song Taotao of the Marine Police Precinct summarized the details of the incident from beginning to end as per the written statements of Young Lin's playmates after the incident. He explained that on the June 1st Children's Day holiday, Young Lin and 3 small playmates agreed to go to Gold Sand Point to play. Since there was no adult supervision, without a second thought the high-spirited children took off their clothes, crossed over the shore guardrail and went to the deep water area to swim. While they were there, one young playmate went to the toilet, and came back to find Young Lin "nowhere to be seen." The remaining two children panicked and suggested that Young Lin might have drowned. They asked for help, and the people that heard them crowded around and searched the water in the vicinity for some time, without finding anything. The terrified children also called the 110 [emergency hotline]. Initially the line was busy because of a large volume of calls, and when the call got through the children mistakenly thought it hadn't and hung up – basically, the opportunity to save Young Lin's life was lost in this manner.
      When Young Lin disappeared in the river, his young playmates panicked and were indecisive. They were afraid of getting in trouble and dared not tell the parents what had happened. Young Lin's grandmother was extremely anxious when he did not return home that night. She went to the district police precinct to report him missing, then asked around. She only knew that Young Lin and several small playmates had gone swimming together, so on the afternoon of the 2nd she came to the Marine Police Precinct. After receiving the report, the police found the clothing Young Lin had taken off on the shore where the children had been playing. Through the parents, they also found the playmates and asked them detailed questions. In this manner they got a clear understanding of the sequence of events.
      Starting 24 hours from when the child went missing, the police repeatedly searched the river in boats but found no trace of Young Lin.
      Young Lin's body came to the surface on the afternoon of the 2nd and was seen by Ms. He, a resident of the city. She screamed for help, and several young men swimming nearby pulled the child out of the water. A girl watching from the crowd took the boy onto the steps up to the beach. After coming ashore, the young men who had pulled him out of the water took off their life jackets to cover Young Lin, and kept watch beside the body. Soon thereafter doctors from the 120 [emergency team] rushed to the scene. Marine Police Precinct officers also rushed there on assault boats.
      To get a positive ID that this was Young Lin, police notified the boy's teacher and a school leader to come to the scene and identify the body – by that time the young men who had pulled the body up and the girl who had brought it ashore had already left the scene.
      [The Marine Police blame the death on the playmates who panicked, and don't mention the lack of lifeguards on the beach for the Children's Day Holiday. The reporters are more interested in finding the young men and girl who handled the body than in describing the "hidden safety risks". Fannyi is too appalled to comment.​]

Liuzhou Evening News, 2013-06-05, p. 5
2. Cattle Rustler and Murderer Sentenced to Death

Item from the Daily News (Reporter Zheng Yanjun, Correspondent Sun Tao)
      A vicious incident that occurred last year on March 10th in Rich Soil Town, Liu River County, so enraged the public that more than 130 villagers joined together to petition that the murderer be severely punished. On the morning of the 29th, the Municipal Intermediate People's Court of First Instance sentenced the murderer, Wei Baobin, to death for robbery.
      At about 10:00 a.m. on March 10, 2012, Wei Baobin (29, male) of Ridge Hamlet, Four Case Village, Rich Soil Town, Liu River County, saw Mr. and Mrs. Wei of Four Case Village walking down a road driving an oxcart. He tricked the couple into following him into a wooded area on the pretext of helping him move something. Suddenly he tried to tie Mr. Wei up with some rattan, but when he met with resistance, he knocked Mr. Wei out with a wooden stick.
      Mr. Wei's wife cried out when she saw what was happening, and Wei Baobin knocked her to the ground with the stick.
      At this point, Mr. Wei regained consciousness and picked himself up to fight back. Wei Baobin knocked him out again with the stick. After searching the victims and finding 150 Yuan in cash [≈$24], he dragged them into some nearby underbrush and, using a paring knife that he'd brought with him, repeatedly slit their throats until they were dead. He took their ox with him when he fled the scene.
      Subsequently, with the help of his friend Wei Yunlai, Wei Baobin rode in a car to Luoding City in Guangdong to hide out at his sister's home. Wei Yunlai was arrested and brought to trial on March 16th of last year by the Public Security Bureau of Liu River County. Weibao Bin surrendered to authorities in Guangdong 4 days later.
      Although the court considered Wei Baobin's voluntary surrender [as a factor in mitigation], this was a double murder in the course of a robbery. Coupled with the fact that he killed people from an older generation in his own village, the extreme popular indignation and the ruthlessness of his methods, a lenient sentence would not be enough. Death was the appropriate penalty under law. At the same time, Wei Yunlai was sentenced to a determinate sentence of three years and six months for the crime of harboring a criminal.

Liuzhou News Web, from Liuzhou Daily, 2013-05-31 
3. Playing Tricks in Post-Divorce Dispute over Assets

Correspondent Xie Jianfeng, Reporter Li Lan
      Dispatch to the Evening News – A couple who were "birds from the same forest" not only "flew their own ways", they had an angry dispute over assets [acquired] during the marriage. Neither would give an inch to the other, and the woman even tried to play tricks in front of the judge. Today the Fish Peak District People's Court successfully resolved the dispute over a large amount of marital assets.
      A-Sheng and his wife A-Li were married in 1987. They eventually had a daughter. They had a normal relationship as husband and wife after they married.
      In 2004 A-Sheng bought two small stores. The next year the couple took out a mortgage to buy residential real estate located on Aviation Life Road. Less than two years later they took out another mortgage to buy a home on Honor the Army Road. Logically since A-Sheng and A-Li owned housing and stores, and had a child, their life should have been joyous and harmonious. No one expected that the couple's continuous arguments over trivial household finances would lead to a decline in the marital relationship, ultimately reaching a point where it was impossible to reconcile.
      A-Sheng asked for a divorce from A-Li, and the court of first instance granted permission. The condo on Aviation Life Road was awarded to A-Li as her property; the condo on Honor the Army Road and the two stores were awarded to A-Sheng as his property; and A-Li was to give A-Sheng 180,000+ Yuan [≈$29,500+] as compensation. After the decree became effective, A-Li didn't voluntarily fulfill the judgment, and A-Sheng applied to the court for [an order of] implementation.
      After the Executive Judge of the Fish Peak court received the case, he investigated and discovered that the condo owned by A-Li located on Aviation Life Road is 300 square meters [≈3,230 sq. ft.] in area. Estimating based on market values, it is worth over 1,000,000 Yuan [≈$163,935]. The judge advised A-Li to pay the money to A-Sheng as soon as possible to resolve the dispute. Unexpectedly, in several meetings to discuss the matter, A-Li talked only of trivialities and avoided the main issue. She complained to the judge about how unreasonably her husband had previously treated her, avoiding any mention of the monetary payment.
      Reasonable discussion being unsuccessful, the judge could only explain the law clearly to her. "In accordance with the provisions of the law, if you refuse to carry out a court decision which has become effective, it is permissible to seize the condo and auction it off."
      At this juncture, A-Li began to waver and said she would look for a friend or relative to borrow the money from, or find a way to sell the place. Since A-Sheng had got her condo's mortgage from the bank, she needed his signature on the paperwork before she could rescind the mortgage. Therefore, the judge gave her until the end of April to pay off the debt and delayed the seizure of her condo.
      At the end of April, A-Sheng said he had already helped A-li with the paperwork for the mortgage on the Aviation Life Road condo, and requested the court to seize it to prevent a loss of assets.
      After receiving the request, the judge investigated and learned that A-li had indeed secretly contacted a buyer, and further, had already opened an escrow account for a home resale transaction with the resale housing transactions section of a certain real estate company. Therefore, the judge immediately initiated a hold and withdraw against A-Li's seller income account. This time, A-Li finally had no way out. She had to obediently allow the judge to confiscate the money.
      With this, the curtain has at last fallen on a marital dispute over assets that had been in a tangle for months.
      It is worth noting that the buyer was present while the judge was completing the paperwork for the hold and withdraw. When he heard what had happened, he told A-Li, "You have a condo, and he (A-Sheng) has a condo and the stores. When you were together, you really had a bunch of money. It's too bad you're throwing away your best years."

Liuzhou Evening News, 2013-05-28, p. 13
4. Drunk Loses Pants
Wife Runs Off with Another, Man Loses Job
Sleeps Drunk on Street, Everything Stolen but Shorts

Xu Wenqiu, Dispatch from Liuzhou
      In the early hours of the morning on May 23rd, a Liuzhou man who was drowning his sorrows in drink fell asleep on the street in a drunken stupor. Consequently everything he had was stolen by a thief. He woke up with nothing left on him but his underpants.
      Mr. Chen lives on North Sparrow Road. Recently his wife had been talking about divorce and had run off with another man. He also lost his means of livelihood because he was so distracted that he made mistakes at work. He felt utterly hopeless. On the evening of the 22nd, in a totally miserable frame of mind, he went downtown to a late-night snack shop to drink beer.
      Drowning your sorrows in beer makes you even more sorrowful. By the early morning hours of May 23rd, Mr. Chen was drunk as a lord. On his way home on his e-scooter, the booze caught up with him and he passed out on the side of the road. Things went terribly wrong for him during this nap. He woke up at about 4:00 a.m. and found himself lying at the door of a bank depository on August First Road. His e-scooter was gone, and the only thing left on him was his underpants. In desperation, he ran to the police kiosk on May First Road to make a report and seek assistance.
      Mr. Chen says that, in addition to his shirt and pants, that evening he lost a cell phone worth 800 Yuan [≈$131], over 1,000 Yuan in cash, his ID, a bank card and some other things. But his e-scooter was recovered by patrol officers shortly thereafter.

South China Daily, 2013-05-25, p. 3
5. Police Use "Eye in the Sky" to Help Find Lost One-Year-Old

      On May 28th at about 9 p.m., a Ms. Luo was shopping with her one-year-old son in a certain store on West River Road in Liuzhou. When Ms. Luo felt herself getting panicky because it was stuffy in the store, she stepped outside by herself to get some fresh air. Unexpectedly, when she went back into the store, she discovered that her son had disappeared from view. She called the police right away.
      The media rushed to the scene at about 9:10 p.m. According to eyewitness Mr. Chen, Ms. Luo walked into the store with her son at about 9 o'clock. A few minutes later she couldn't see the boy. She thought he must just be walking around somewhere and would return to his mother's side momentarily. However, a long time passed and still nothing happened. Ms. Luo was anxious and began looking around outside the store, but saw no trace of him. In a panic, she called the police department's crime report number.
      Subsequently officers from the Arrow Mountain Police Station took Ms. Luo to examine the store's surveillance videotape [the "eye in the sky" referred to in the headline—Fannyi]. The tape showed the child exiting the shop door by himself and going in the direction of East Ring Road. Ms. Luo was very agitated by the thought of such a tiny boy walking outside alone, and with no adult beside him.
      Without further ado, an officer drove Ms. Luo on a search along West River Road in the direction of East Ring Road. Along the way, officers also made inquiries of pedestrians, of whom there were many. Suddenly an officer saw a child on the sidewalk at the intersection of West River and Bay Club Roads, alone and crying. Happily, it was Ms. Luo's son!
      When the little boy appeared in front of Miss Luo, she was so overjoyed she repeatedly thanked the officers.
      Arrow Mountain Police Station officers remind the public that it's best for parents, as a precaution when taking young children outside, to have the child carry a "contact card", or to embroider their name on the child's clothing. In this way, if the child gets lost, members of the public or the police will be able to contact the parents in timely fashion.

Liuzhou Online, 2013-6-1
6. Husband is a Gambler, Wife in 50s Is a Jumper
Saved after Almost Two-Hour Standoff

Probationary Reporter Huang Yuanlai, Correspondent Lao Yuanhe, Dispatch to the Daily from Liuzhou
      Because she resented her husband's love of gambling, a woman in her 50s crawled onto the roof of an 8 story building in the workers dormitory area of an original parts factory at No. 56 North Sparrow Road in Liuzhou yesterday at about 12 noon. She crossed over the safety railing with the intent to jump to her death. Rescue Squad personnel saved her after a standoff of almost two hours.
      As related by nearby residents, the woman, a Ms. Liu, has been living in the community. Family discord was the reason she wanted to jump. Your reporter learned at the scene that Ms. Liu was distraught and wanted to end her life by jumping from the building because her husband, who loves to gamble, had lost all of her retirement money, leading to financial difficulties for the family.
      Hoping to prevent a tragedy, officers and men of the North Liuzhou Fire Detachment and the Yellow Village Precinct Police Station, assisted by workers from the community, pleaded with Ms. Liu. She was unwilling to come down, however. At 1:50 in the afternoon, while Ms. Liu was speaking with Rescue Squad Personnel, Fire Detachment officers and men took the opportunity to pull Ms. Liu back to safety inside the railing, successfully rescuing her.
                                                                                               (Contributor: Mr. Pei was awarded a 30 Yuan fee [≈$4.84] for finding leads)

South China Daily, 2013-05-25, p. 3
7. U.S. Couple Brings Adopted Chinese Daughter to Liuzhou to Look for Relatives
Little Girl Abandoned 18 Years Ago at East Ring Road, First East Lane

      Eighteen-year-old Liu Jianmei (English name Jianmei Perkins), has blossomed into a sweet, graceful young lady who will be attending a key university in the United States next year. People see her as "a humorous, quick-witted, beautiful girl."
      But 18 years ago she was a baby, lying on the ground wrapped in swaddling clothes,

crying. Street cleaners found the wailing infant near First East Lane off East Ring Road in

Liuzhou (now Liuzhou Minorities High School North Gate), and took her to an orphanage.

Subsequently an American couple adopted her. As she grew older, she thought more and

more about finding her birth parents, "I want to know who they are, but I also want them

to know I'm all right."

                                    17 Years Ago, Adopted by an American Couple

      On June 18, Guangxi University of Technology teacher Chen Yaodong turned to the

South China Daily Official Website for help. He reported that an American friend wanted

to help his adopted Chinese daughter find her birth parents. "The girl was found in

Liuzhou and I hope you will help."
      Chen Yaodong said the little girl's Chinese name is now Liu Jianmei (hereinafter

Young Mei). It is estimated that she was born in October 1995. "Young Mei was found               Mr. and Mrs. Perkins Back in Liuzhou

by street cleaners on or about October 30, 1995, near First East Lane off East Ring Road            with Young Mei Looking for Relatives.

in Liuzhou and subsequently taken to an orphanage. The little girl did not have any                    Photo by Chen Yaodong

information regarding her identity on her person. A name (formerly Liu Jiaxiao) and

birthday were given to her by the orphanage. In June 1996, the eight-month-old Young Mei was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Perkins of Salt Lake City in the United States."

Today, Wants to Find Birth Parents

      Gradually, however, as she was growing up, Young Mei noticed differences between her and other children. She didn't even look like her parents. Her mother has flaxen hair, while hers is black; her mother's skin is white, but hers is brown. She thought long and hard but didn't understand, so she sought answers from her parents.
      Mrs. Perkins felt there were some things she'd have to tell her daughter when she was grown. "Young Mei's roots are in Liuzhou, and as the Chinese say, those who travel afar must all 'return to their roots'. If we can really find Young Mei's birth parents, and if they're willing to meet her, I think it would be something to celebrate. It would let her know her origins and would really be an absolute blessing in her life."
      Mr. and Mrs. Perkins decided to help their daughter find her relatives. They found a friend in Liuzhou, and their friend then contacted this newspaper.
      Young Mei expressed her desire and hope to locate her birth parents in an e-mail to this reporter: "We've come to Liuzhou on this trip to find my birth parents. It's a remote chance, but I'm grown up now and am eager to know where my parents are. Actually, I really don't want to interfere in their lives. I just want to tell them how very grateful I am to them for giving me life. If I could have two sets of parents to give me their support, I think it would be the greatest honor of my life. I hope everything is going well for them, and I hope they can get in touch with me."

People with Information, Please Call Our Hotline

      We are told that this is the second time Young Mei and her family have visited Liuzhou looking for her relatives. Their search in 2007 did not turn out as they wished because there were so few clues.
      This reporter contacted the Liuzhou Orphanage on June 18. A spokesperson said that all relevant personnel who worked on Young Mei's adoption at the time have been transferred, and they do not know exactly what happened back then.
      "Is there any other information to give us a lead?" The spokesperson said that the orphanage has gone through several relocations and that information about Young Mei was lost during the moves.
      "I hope anyone with pertinent leads will be able to assist us. I also hope to locate the street cleaners who found Young Mei at the Minorities High School back then," Mr. Perkins says.
      If you have information, please call the South China Daily hotline at 0772-2880000 and help Young Mei realize her dream of finding her birth parents.

■ Trainee Reporter Huang Yuanlai of this newspaper

South China Daily, 2013-06-23
8. "Mike Hog" Turns into "Bruiser"
Good Friends Get Together to Party, Attract Trouble
One Man Stabbed in Shoulder

Reporter Li Jie, Correspondents Li Yan, Xiong Ping, Dispatch to the Evening News
      It started out as several friends enjoying a karaoke party. Then an uninvited guest came along, talking trash and cutting into songs. The crowd wasn't happy and slapped him around, and the guy found a bunch of people to beat up on them for revenge. This hurtful incident took place outside a karaoke club at Grain Wharf Street at about 1:00 a.m. yesterday.
      That evening Little Wen, a handsome fellow, had agreed with several good friends to go to a karaoke club at Grain Warf Street to sing some songs. Meanwhile, Little Wen's girlfriend had also asked her sisters to come along and have some fun. Unexpectedly, a male friend the sisters brought along with them messed up the good mood they had all been in.
      The man reeked of alcohol and was making a lot of noise as he came into the private room. Little Wen and some others looked at each other in dismay. What's with this guy? Before they knew it, the fellow got even more excessive, cutting into songs, grabbing the microphone and continuously singing as though no one else were there.
      Unable to put up with it any longer, Little Wen and some of the others came over and slapped the guy around a bit, to teach him that he should be a little more low key. The guy was absolutely indignant. He left, his girlfriend in tow, without saying another word.
      Little Wen's girlfriend got a phone call while they were singing. The man who'd been slapped around wanted the group to stop singing and come outside to talk things over. He guaranteed he wouldn't "start anything". They were surprised when, just as they were coming out the door, they heard someone yell "That's them!" More than ten people rushed out of the dark and put cloth bags over Little Wen's and the other's heads, then ganged up and beat them with feet and fists. During the confusion, Little Wen's friend A-Cheng was stabbed in the left shoulder. After inflicting these injuries, the man and his friends fled the scene.
Officers from the Red Light Police Affairs Station rushed to the scene and took the injured parties to a hospital for treatment. The case has now been transferred to the South Liuzhou Precinct for further investigation.

Liuzhou Evening News,2013-05-27, p. 4
9. At the Cry "Purse Snatchers?" Criminals Reveal Selves
Couple Outwits and Captures Robber

Reporter Li Lan, Correspondents Pan Huang, Zhang Xiaofu, Dispatch to the Evening News
      Early yesterday morning, three robbers stole a shoulder bag from Liuzhou resident Ms. Huang.
      Just as the three men were taking cash from the bag and starting to leave, the "reinforcement" Ms. Wong had brought with her rushed up. The reinforcement was her husband, Mr. Sun. The two got on his electric scooter and chased the robbers. Eventually one of the three men was arrested.
      Yesterday at about 1:00 a.m., Ms. Wong was walking in a dark, lonely alley outside a community on August First Road. Suddenly a light flashed out of the darkness, blinding her. Only when she neared the community's entrance did she notice that three men were walking toward her.
      Ms. Wong didn't pay them much attention. She moved out of their way and continued walking forward. All of a sudden the three men surrounded her and one of them snatched the bag she was carrying on her right shoulder.
      Realizing that she had encountered criminals, Ms. Wong didn't dare to put up too much resistance. One person couldn't match three men in strength, anyway, so the bag was quickly taken away from her.
      Ms. Wong was worried about being hurt, so she ran right away toward the intersection of August First Road.
      The lucky thing was that the three purse-snatchers didn't notice the cell phone that Ms. Wong was holding in her left hand, perhaps because she had been in the dark. After she had gotten away and saw that the robbers weren't following, she immediately phoned her husband Mr. Sun.
      When he heard his wife had been robbed, it didn't take Mr. Sun long to drive over on his e-scooter. He picked up his wife at the intersection and they drove into the alley in search of the purse-snatchers.
      When they got to the entrance to the community, they saw three men walking out into the alley, but Ms. Wong was temporarily unable to determine whether or not they were the robbers. The three men also did not seem to recognize Ms. Wong, and continued walking.
      Worried about making a mistake, Mr. Sun shouted, "Purse snatchers?" The three men revealed themselves when they heard this shout. They split up and ran off in two directions.
      Mr. Sun and Ms. Wong chased one of the men relentlessly on their e-scooter. They ultimately captured him near the City Culture and Art Center.
      After receiving the report, police officers from the South Central Precinct hurried over to take control of the suspect. Investigation revealed that this suspect, a Mr. Guo, is from the city of Laibin. After he and his accomplices snatched Ms. Huang's bag, they went to a bushy area in the community and took 60 Yuan [≈$10] in cash from it, then threw the bag away.
      The police had Mr. Guo identify the place, then searched and recovered the bag and returned it to Ms. Wong. The police have instituted the appropriate punishment for the suspect.

Liuzhou Evening News, 2013-06-14, p.6 
10. Claiming "Hot Merchandise" to Sell Cheap
¥500 Buys Three Fakes

Reporter Li Shuhou, Dispatch to the Evening News

      "A Gucci shoulder bag, an LV [Louis Vuitton] belt and an LV wallet. They're stolen, so I'll sell all three for 500 bucks [≈$80.64]." If somebody on the street offers to sell "stolen" brand name goods to you like this, you'd better open your eyes wide to avoid being taken in by a con man.
      Nevertheless, because he momentarily got greedy for a quick buck, Mr. Yan of our city spent 500 Yuan on fake goods.
      "Want a brand-name bag? My good buddy stole it. I'll sell it cheap." On the afternoon of April 30, Mr. Yan of our city drove to the door of a certain bank on East Central Pool Road to conduct some business. Just as he stopped the vehicle, a man with a non-Liuzhou accent walked up to the window and offered to sell some low-priced brand-name goods to him. Mr. Yan observed that the man was carrying not only a shoulder bag, but also a wallet and a belt.
      Mr. Yan got curious, so he took the bag from the man's hands to look it over.
      The man said the bag was a Gucci that would sell for over 8,000 Yuan at the mall, and that the belt was an LV, both famous Italian brands. He was offering them at a ninety percent discount because they were stolen. Mr. Yan saw that a price tag hanging from the bag showed a price of more than 4,000 Yuan. He'd been thinking of getting a new wallet anyway, so Mr. Yan couldn't help but be tempted by the "brand-name goods" in the man's hands. But if he took the ninety percent discount, he'd still need over 1,000 Yuan. Mr. Yan wasn't really willing to part with so much, so he spit out "500 Yuan for the three." Such a low price for such precious "top grade goods", the man rejected it as soon as he heard it. But when Mr. Yan said he wouldn't buy if the price was over 500 Yuan, the man handed over all three "brand name articles" to him without saying another word. On the way home, Mr. Yan kept thinking that he'd got a good deal, spending only 500 Yuan and getting brand name goods worth over 10,000 Yuan.
      But when he got home and went online to make a comparison, he discovered that the things he'd purchased really weren't brand name merchandise. They were fakes. What really made him angry was that, the next day, when he was again passing along East Central Pool Road, he noticed the man was still hawking "brand name goods" by the side of the road. Mr. Yan went up to the guy at once and exposed his scam. He demanded his money back but the man refused, claiming he'd already spent it. The man did admit that the things he sold weren't brand name goods, and that saying they were stolen was just a pretense. "You wanted to know, where did all these brand name items came from?"
      Mr. Yan [came to] the Evening News yesterday afternoon hoping to warn everybody through the paper, absolutely don't let yourself get cheated just because of a moment's greed. You need to realize that manna doesn't fall from heaven.

Liuzhou Evening News,2013-05-04, p. 4

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